Brookelyn Dillon
The first occupation I got was Architecture and Construction. The occupation group it was under was Architecture and Engineering. The degree you need for this is a Bachelor's Degree. There is no on job training. The annual salary is $73,640. The salary per hour is $35.40. The amount of working hours would vary for this job. The reason on why I would probably be interested in this is because I want to become an Interior and Architectural designer when I get older.
The third and final occupation i got was Human Services. The occupation group it was under was Community and Social Services. The degree you need for this is just a high school diploma or something similar to it. You would need short term on the job training. The annual salary is $31,810. The salary per hour is $15.29 per hours. The amount of working hours for this job would vary. The reason that I may be interested in this job is because I love helping people in need.
The second occupation I got was Hospitality and Tourism. The occupation group it was under was sales Occupations. The degree you would need for this job is a high school diploma or something equal to it. There is a small amount of on the job training you need for this. The annual salary for this job is $36,460. The salary per hour is $17.53. The amount of working hours for this job would vary. The reason why I would maybe want to do this job is because I could probably get discounts on traveling.
Specific Educational Goals For Myself...
-Get straight A's
-Get into a good collage in Florida
Ways to achieve getting into a good collage in Florida...
-Focus on the career I plan on pursuing
-Do research on collages in Florida
-Graduate in the year 2021
Ways to achieve getting straight A's
-Study for tests and quizzes
-Focus on my schoolwork at home
-Have good attendence

A job is something that you do not because you love it, but because you want to earn money. Having a job would only have a minimal impact on your future working life style.
A career is something that you love doing, that earns you money as well. It provides experiences and a learning base that will help you in your future working style. It provides a series of different employment options under the same category. This is your dream and something you would specialize in.

Three steps to achieve my goal...
-Get a good score on the ACT
-Be self motivated
-get my drivers licence