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Brookelyn Dillon
I would only ever go to the movies once a month, which would cost 10 dollars a month.
I would only go clothes shopping once a month, which would cost 50 dollars a month.
I want high speed internet, that would cost 70 dollars a month.
I would hardly ever dine out, which would cost 20 dollars a month.
I would not have any extra expenses which would not cost anything.
I want to have a phone with unlimited minutes/ options, that would cost 80 dollars a month.
I want to have satellite TV, that would cost 80 dollars a month.
Groceries would cost 300 dollars a month.
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I want to live in a 3 bedroom house that is 2000+ square feet, that will cost 2,000 dollars a month.
I want to have a 3-5 year old car that, will cost 300 dollars a month.
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